Thursday, 30 June 2011

"Disabled Toilets"

A woman said to be a representative of the disabled lobbly in the UK told the BBC Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine that "disabled toilets" were for the exclusive use of people with disabilities.  She even responded to Jeremy's question about toilets on trains and said they were exclusive too.

Surely, toilets for disabled people are designed for "access" by such persons but they can be used by others.  I often use them.  On a train, they are usually the only one in the coach.

What do you think?

Question about US Diesel Locomotives

Phillip wrote to RTWP:
I had read somewhere that Alco roadswitchers could be shut down and started again like an automobile, but that early EMD units such as the GP7 had to be left idling when not in use.  Why is this, and how much fuel would have been wasted by this idling procedure?  What was the first EMD locomotive design to not have to be left idling during downtime?